FOSS / dev / misc - Peter Serwylo
Dad since 2020. Software developer with over 15 years experience (web dev, mobile dev, sysadmin, devops, etc). Free software enthusiast, advocate, and developer, speaking at many Linux conferences and Open Source Developer Conferences. Educator, as both a University lecturer and mentor. PhD in Computer Science.
Free Software Android Apps

Find as many words as possible on a grid of random letters within a time limit.

Super Retro Mega Wars
Play retro games against each other in any combination.

Beat Feet
Jump through cities, each automatically generated from the beat of the music.

Baby Dots
Soothe and calm young babies.

Baby Phone
A pretend phone app for little ones who want to practice.

Baby Books
Make your own picture books using images and words from Wikipedia
- Comprehensive tips for generating PDFs in the browser
- Tempest: Basic 3D
- Tempest: Basic progress
- Tempest: Initial skeleton
- Let the community decide the next retro game
- WebSocket game server in Kotlin using Ktor
- Sustainable server infrastructure for open source games
- LCA 2018: F-Droid: The private, secure, free and open app store for Android
- PhD: Eliciting Bayesian Networks via Online Surveys: A New Approach to Knowledge Elicitation
- Make your writing beautiful
- OSDC 2012: Building a free(ish) MAME cabinet
- OSDC 2011: Wii Homebrew: Running and writing software for the Wii
- PhD confirmation seminar
- ISCRAM 2011: PhD colloquium
- ISCRAM 2011: Predicting patient rates
- OSDC 2010: Bad visualisation
Legacy blog posts
Substantially older posts. Written for a different time, in a different style, by a different me. It is quite likely these have poor or outdated advice in them.
Show legacy posts