Please, no more gauges: How NOT to visualize data

Here is a link to the presentation. It's an SVG file best viewed in Firefox. Chrome seems to compress the images and not play the video on one of the first slides.

I had a couple of people come up to me after the presentation and ask about the software I used to create the presentation. After I saw a presentation at uni from a bloke using Prezi, I went looking for an open source alternative. The closest I could get was Jessy ink, a plugin for Inkscape which outputs a single SVG file with a bit of embedded JavaScript.

Now I'm not sure about how Prezi goes about its editing, but I'm really impressed with Jessy Ink. It works on the basis of each layer being a slide. You can assign transitions to each slide, and also to individual components on the slide (ala a typical presentation application). The bit that I wanted was the "Views" where each slide can have sub-views. It provides a way to conceptualise each slide as a giant poster, where you can navigate around that poster to highlight certain aspects of your "poster".